And He (Jesus) called to Him His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.
-Matthew 10:1
- This event took place during Jesus’ earthly ministry; He sent His disciples out into the surrounding area to preach the Good News
- As you go through the Gospels you see Jesus has Authority over illness, disease, blindness, deafness, paralysis, and above all Authority over sin and death
- Notice in this verse that He also has the Authority to give Authority
- As you continue reading you find out how excited the disciples were when they reported back to Jesus all they had done (by the Authority given them by Jesus)
- Although they experienced this, and witnessed all Jesus had done, and watched everything play out as He said it would, they still abandoned Him (just as He said they would)
- The fact they turned back and preached the Gospel until they were killed for it is the most incredible evidence of the Resurrection