Warrior Way Bible Study

Week 1 Starts March 11th!

A Study for EVERYONE!! New Believers, Non-Believers, Long Time Believers, and Bible Scholars!

What is Warrior Way Bible Study?

Warrior Way Bible Study is a combination of many things. First and foremost it is an intense study of God’s Word. For those that participate there is an expectation to engage at a level most are not willing. There is also the element of accountability in that, those few that choose to participate are counting on the rest to fulfill their obligation to the engage each week because just as iron sharpens iron, we will sharpen each other in our understanding of God’s Word.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Every week we will decide on a chapter of God’s Word (occasionally I wiil ask the group if there is a particular chapter they want to focus on)
  2. Each Warrior will set aside time 4 times per week (30-60 minutes per time) to read, write comments, ask questions, research, and pray on the chapter
  3. After each study time you will complete the form that will be linked on this page. (You can either scan your notes for the day and upload them, or type in their notes in the form. Scanning the notes as a PDF would be ideal and is very easy using an iPhone, but a picture of the notes is fine also.

Couple Items:

  1. When you complete the form there will be an option NOT TO SHARE. If you check that box your notes will not be posted on the website; however, I will engage with you privately if you would rather,
  2. I recommend you get a journal type notebook and hand write your entries (date each entry). But, if you would rather type them that is ok.
  3. Do not copy/paste from various other websites or commentary; this study is for you to dig in to God’s Word and share with the group what God is showing you
  4. If you only have questions and no comments that is OK
  5. There is no requirement of how long your notes need to be, it is certainly possible to study for an hour and have one sentence to share, that’s ok – the only requirement is that you spend time in the Word and not do a quick comment without study to fulfill your post.

Final Items:

  1. You can join at anytime. If you do not feel like your schedule permits to fulfill the obligation of this study at this time you can start whenever you want.
  2. There is no limit on who can participate, share this link with your friends and family to join
  3. If there is a week that you cannot fulfill your obligation, submit the form indicating that and pickup with the group when you can. 
  4. I will be posting from the ESV; however, you can post from any version you would want and it is recommended to read several. Please reference the version in comments, where it seems relevant, for example, commenting on the difference in words used in a verse in differing versions.