Who is this for? (Letter to the Ephesians)

Let’s consider how much is packed into this one short verse; the first verse of the Letter to the Ephesians.

Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus:

In my studies I have found that asking simple questions and answering them lead to a deeper understanding of the text.

The first, most basic, question: Who wrote Ephesians?

Answer: Paul

As a side note, it is important that we understand that although Paul “wrote” Ephesians, it is God’s Word:

2Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

We also know we are reading God’s Word based on the promise of Jesus:

John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

Yes, John 14:26 was said to the remaining 11 apostles, but Paul is also an apostle that was taught directly by Christ. His letters are no less God’s Word than the others. Therefore, when we read the apostle’s writings we are trusting in the promise of Jesus, the promise that He will bring to their “remembrance all that (He has) said to (them)”.

This brings us to the second question, which we have already answered: What are we told about Paul?

Answer: He is an apostle

What is an apostle?

Answer: A special messenger, a personally chosen representative

With this definition couldn’t we say a sports agent is an “apostle of the athlete” they represent when they negotiate a contract with a team. Yes, I suppose you could, but that leads to the next question; who is Paul an apostle of?

Answer: Christ Jesus

Who is Christ Jesus?

Answer: The Messiah, the Anointed One, the Savior of the world, the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Prince of Peace, the Creator of all things.

Therefore, the “WHO” Paul represents, who he speaks on behalf of, from whom the message was given to Paul that Paul is now bringing to the world is significant. It is not a, “my guy wants a 3 year deal for 30 million dollars” message to the New York Yankees. This is a message for the entire world from the time of its writing to the end of this age; the message of redemption, the message of how man can be saved from the eternal Wrath of God that he is facing because of his sin.

Why was Paul chosen?

Answer: It was God’s will. It was God’s choice, and it was for God’s purpose.

When you consider how Paul was chosen (by the will of God) consider the fact that we are not given any other reason. Maybe we’d expect a reason such as, Paul was gifted in some way, he was extremely intelligent, he had drive and ambition, or maybe there was any other number of grand reasons Paul was chosen to be an apostle. None of these reasons are true; there is only one reason: it was the will of God, for His purpose, for His glory.

When you consider the other apostles, the same reason is true. None had gifts that enabled them to be apostles. That is not to say they were not gifted in some way, but whatever gifts they had did not factor into their selection. You might even conclude that many were selected because they came from such lowly positions; but that was not the case for all of them. Matthew was a tax-collector with a thriving business, even if it was a shady business. Paul was a powerful and influential pharisee. So what is the common thread that runs through Peter, Matthew, Paul, and the other apostles? They were chosen by God, for His purpose, for His glory – that’s it – it was God’s will.

Who is this letter to?

The saints (in Ephesus)

Although this letter is commonly referred to as the Letter to the Ephesians, this does not mean the letter is not intended for our instruction. Therefore, setting that aside, the letter is to the saints.

Who and what are “saints”?

Answer: God’s redeemed people. Born again believers.

What can be said about the saints?

Answer: They are faithful, they are loyal, and they are steadfast.

Who are they faithful and loyal to?

Answer: Christ Jesus

Conclusion: God is building His “household” (in part) on the foundation of the apostles, of which, Paul is one, and if you are a saint, redeemed in the Blood of Christ, trusting fully in Jesus to save you from the Wrath to come, this letter is for you!

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